Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The WSRF CurrentTime is 5.41pm

CurrentTime kills caching for WSRF
We have been fixing a bug in our AJAX to REST/WSRF stuff.
The bug was that IE6 did not update the properties properly. Bruno discovered that IE6 was not invoking the HTTP GET because the URI had not changed, we had not included any cache control HTTP Headers, but I assumed that would mean "don't cache". The HTTP spec is hard going wrt caching but Section 13.4 states "If there is neither a cache validator nor an explicit expiration time associated with a response, we do not expect it to be cached, but certain caches MAY violate this expectation (for example, when little or no network connectivity is available)".The solution was to add HTTP Headers which explicitly said don't cache this. Adding metadata cannot be a bad thing I guess.

The next issue was should we do caching properly? There are a lot of advantages, especially for the AJAX client, as we could support conditional GETs. I had a vague idea how to do it too, put in a hook for the developer to attach his caching policy/code. But then I remembered CurrentTime; WSRF defines a ResourceProperty, CurrentTime, so that a client can find out the time when the WS-Resource had a certain set of properties. So one of our properties is always changing; so we cannot cache!

CurrentTime is a bad name, because almost by definition it is not the current time -- its some time later, Lamport's clocks. HTTP uses a HTTP Header, Date, to convey the same concept, and the concept really is the time at which the message was created. Its metadata about the message, it should not really be part of the message.

The good thing is I do not have to write the hooks for supporting caching, the bad thing is that we cannot do caching.


Blogger Dave Berry said...

I checked this with a WSRF guru. His answer was that in WSRF, you can request individual properties. Therefore you can cache other properties, but not this one.

12:50 PM  

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